Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Sick Baby Girl

Man oh man am I tired. Whugh...what a week. Savi was sick. Brittany is still sick, and I had one heck of a weekend at work. Lots of sick babies...tiny and sick. It's just been crazy!

Tonight, I lack the creative juices to summon up an interesting written post, so I'm posting via video. Sometimes it's good to see and hear the face and voice of the blogger you are reading, so here is a chance to meet me! Check it out! It's only a couple minutes long, so just about the same time it would take you to read a post I had written.

Now that my video post is over, here are my Not My Child! entries for MckMama's weekly Not Me! Mondays...

My baby girl definitely did not give me the worst scare in her short little life thus far when she spiked a 104.3 under the arm temperature in the middle of the week. Knowing pretty well how fevers work, I definitely was very, very worried.

My baby girl did not cry as I got into a luke warm bath with her at 3am in the morning as I tried to help lower her temperature (which worked).

My baby girl did not respond to children's Motrin 100 times better than children's Tylenol. The fever actually dropped 3 degrees with the ibuprofen.

My baby girl did not keep me awake with her uneasy sleep until 5am that night.

And on a serious note, I love Savi with all of my heart and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. Daddy will always be there to take care of you when you are sick, baby girl.


Amy said...

Wow, what a rough week!

I hope everyone starts feeling better soon :)

I have had the exact same experiences with the Motrin vs Tylenol. It works MUCH more quickly and effectively for me, too!

annies home said...

sounds like you had a super rocky week the little one sounds like she keeps you on the go