Sunday, December 6, 2009

Baby Girl Winter Bedtime

We have officially switched to all winter pajamas for our baby girl. It has been absolutely frigid here this past week. We had snow, multiple frosts (which killed all the remaining flowers that were still blooming), and lots of cold nights requiring some fires in the fireplace!

Here are some pics right after our bath. Rosy cheeks and long hair! We're getting close to pony tail length! Well, sorta. Not quite there yet, but it definitely is getting longer, and is all curly at the back!

Now, if we can only get those teeth to start growing in...

We also have had a fascination with our shoes for quite some time. The Velcro is simply magical...or one would think! We even know the word "Shhews"!

1 comment:

Amy said...

My goodness, that girl is a doll! Her hair is getting long!